Tightly Knit

  • Client: Vanier ZAC / BIA
  • Year: 2022
  • Project type: Agency

Developing an identity that has the potential to become a source of pride in Ottawa's most diverse community is a tall order. ZAC Vanier, which looks after the interests of the area's merchants, is one of the key social players in the Vanier community. The organization, which holds many colourful cultural events, now has an equally colourful image to enliven the neighbourhood and reinforce the spirit of belonging.

  • Branding
Versions du logo de ZAC Vanier
Sous-verres avec logos de ZAC Vanier
Drapeau extérieur avec la marque de ZAC Vanier
Versions du logo de ZAC Vanier
Versions du logo pour ZAC Vanier
Logo brodé et vêtements promotionnels pour ZAC Vanier
Bracelet aux couleurs de la marque pour ZAC Vanier
Illustration pour ZAC Vanier

Three main corridors

Publications sociales pour ZAC Vanier
Papeterie et cartes d'affaires pour ZAC Vanier

A vibrant and flexible system

Logo appliqué au sol pour ZAC Vanier
Logo et signalétique extérieure pour ZAC Vanier

Should we talk about your project?

Looking for an agency that can create an identity worthy of your community? It seems that life has a way of doing things.