
How do we explain that? Maybe it's because we come from the world of events, but we think it's (really) important for everyone to have fun. It's kind of our mission. The grass may be greener next door, but the glasses are a little rosier here. And that's something we're very proud of.

Sacha Lauzier-Bonnette tient un mégaphone au-dessus de sa tête devant les participants du Orkestra Camp
David Julien qui montre la passe accès total d'Orkestra à la caméra
Andréane Leblanc et Rémi Allen qui regardent la caméra en faisant des grimaces
Des campeurs en rafting durant une épreuve du Orkestra Camp

And why is this important?

It's all well and good to be friendly, but you have to know how to deliver the goods.